Motorcycling enthusiasts of India have a new platform to showcase their talent and creativity. Royal Enfield has launched its first ever designing platform and named it “Art of Motorcycling”. In this Annual run the very basic concept of this designing platform is to arrange a base for youth. A Base for what? Answer is base for creative talent showcases and flaunts their attachment for motorcycles through creative illustration.
Competition winners have the exclusive chance to become a part of the brand in the brand's artistic expedition. Theme of the campaign is self-expression and pushing today’s youth to come out of their shells become outward & outspoken while engaging with their passion for riding. Interested Candidates can apply from #ArtOfMotorcyling section on Royal Enfield’s website. Register and download the toolkit. Fabricate their unique design and then share it on Instagram, while tagging the brand’s official Instagram account. The hashtags #ArtOfMotorcycling #REApparel is a must while sharing the post.
Top five selections will be featured in merchandise of the Royal Enfield along with an amount of money. One lucky Winner will get an internship under the brand-Royal Enfield. “#ArtofMotorcycling’ is a unique creative platform that draws inspiration from the dreams and journeys of young creators and motorcycling enthusiasts giving them an opportunity to express their love for ‘the motorcycling way of life’."-Puneet Sood,Head of Royal Enfield Apparel Business.
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