Voice search feature is the one which provides the user with the convinience of serching things online without typing anything. It takes the voice of the user as input and access it to find solution to that question or query. It becomes even more useful when a person is not able to use the phone due to certain reasons like driving etc. Google introduced its voice search feature back in 2012 but only after it had launched the google home and alexa , it took the centre stage for marketers . As a result of which the marketers have to think about things like ranking for PageSpeed, featured snippets , mobile optimisation and schema.
People have changed the way they have been searching online and as a result the marketer also have to change how the things are found. Now the marketers have to design SEO strategies which includes voice search as well.
The rising use of voice search means there will be more complex and more lenghty questions instead of keywords therefore rather than optimising specific keywords, marketers will need to focus on targeting more broad topics in order to get their content discovered. The marketers have to revise their strategy and focus on long tail keywords.Some points on how marketers can effectively optimise are:
Voice search seems to become a part of SEO in future so the marketers who are going to focus on changing the strategies accordingly would definitely be in a profitable situation.
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